
Thursday, January 29, 2009

For My Single Friends

The other night, I was surfing the blogosphere, dropping as many EntreCards as possible before bedtime, when I came across a blogging addiction quiz on my blogosphere buddy Rebecca's Freaky Frugalite site (someone please remind me to add Freaky Frugalite and Rebecca's other sites to my Roxiticus Best Blogs directory in my spare time). I clicked on the link to the quiz, answered a few questions about my blogging habits, and I was so sleepy that I thought that in order to get my results, I had to join an online Dating Directory! As my loyal Roxiticus Desperate Housewives readers know, I have been happily married to Rex for more than ten years, and I'm sure he'd rather not have his hot young wife and mother of his two lovely daughters signed up for an online dating service. However, the automated system asked me to create a User ID and a profile... turns out that "Not Interested," "Not Interested At All," and "Not Interested At All Ever" were already taken, so I ended up as "Oh For Pete's Sake"! The whole experience was just a reminder of both the challenges and benefits that have been created for my single friends by advances over the past ten years in technology. I find that some of the most interesting stories I read on Other People's Blogs (OPB) via EntreCard and BlogExplosion come from single women and men telling their tales of blind dates and other dating adventures.

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